Società Italiana per la Care in Perinatologia
anno accademico 2025 -2026

15/03/2025 - 07/03/2026  
lavori scientifici

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Responsabile scientifico: Dr. A. Giustardi

Allattamento al seno Neonatologia Ostetricia Pediatria Marsupio terapia Il dolore Cordone ombelicale Musicoterapia Il padre Famiglia Legislazione Accompagnamento alla nascita Massage infant Vita pre-natale
What is the definition of acute episodic and chronic pain in critically ill neonates and infants? A global, four-stage consensus and validation study Full text

Emre Ilhan ,1 Verity Pacey,1 Laura Brown,1 Kaye Spence,2,3 Christ-jan van Ganzewinkel,4 Rebecca Pillai Riddell ,5 Marsha Campbell-Yeo, 6 Bonnie J Stevens,7 Mats Eriksson ,8 Vibhuti Shah,9,10 Kanwaljeet J S Anand,11 Carlo Bellieni,12 Mandy Daly,13 Celeste Johnston,14,15 Julia Hush1

BMJ Open 2022;12:e055255. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-055255

Il dolore
Efficacy and Safety of EMLA Cream for Pain Control Due to Venipuncture in Infants: A Meta-analysis Full text

Shaneela Shahid, MD, FRCPC, FAAP, a, b Ivan D. Florez, MD, MSc, a, c Lawrence Mbuagbaw, MD, MPH, PhD, FRSPHa, d

PEDIATRICS Volume 143, number 1, January 2019:e20181173

Il dolore
Prevention and Management of Procedural Pain in the Neonate: An Update Full text

Organizational Principles to Guide and Define the Child Health Care System and/or Improve the Health of all Children

PEDIATRICS Volume 1 37, number 2 , F ebruary 2016: e2 0154271

Il dolore
Sweet Solutions to Reduce Procedural Pain in Neonates: A Meta-analysis Full text

Denise Harrison, RN, PhD, a, b Catherine Larocque, a, b Mariana Bueno, RN, PhD, c Yehudis Stokes, RN, BScN, a, b Lucy Turner, MSc, d Brian Hutton, PhD, e Bonnie Stevens, RN, PhDf, g

PEDIATRICS Volume 1 39, number 1, January 2017: e2 0160955

Il dolore
Dexmedetomidina intranasale per sedazione procedurale Full text


Medico e Bambino 10/2016

Il dolore
Systematic Review on Intensive Interdisciplinary Pain Treatment of Children With Chronic Pain Full text

Tanja Hechler, Marie Kanstrup, Amy Lewandowski Holley, Laura E. Simons, Rikard Wicksell, Gerrit Hirschfeld and Boris Zernikow

Pediatrics 2015;136;115; originally published online June 22, 2015

Il dolore
Pediatric Clinical Practice Guidelines for Acute Procedural Pain: A Systematic Review Abstract

Grace Y. Lee, Janet Yamada, O'Brien Kyololo, Allyson Shorkey and Bonnie Stevens

Pediatrics 2014;133;500; originally published online February 2, 2014;

Il dolore
Effect of therapeutic touch on brain activation of preterm infants in response to sensory punctate stimulus: a near-infrared spectroscopy-based study Full Text

Noritsugu Honda, Shohei Ohgi, Norihisa Wada, Kek Khee Loo, Yuji Higashimoto, Kanji Fukuda

Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 2013;98:F244–F248

Il dolore
Analgesic Effects of EMLA Cream and Oral Sucrose During Venipuncture in Preterm Infants Abstract

Valérie Biran, Elisabeth Gourrier, Patricia Cimerman, Elizabeth Walter-Nicolet, Delphine Mitanchez and Ricardo Carbajal

Pediatrics 2011;128;e63; originally published online June 13, 2011;

Il dolore
Parent Involvement in Pain Management for NICU Infants: A Randomized Controlled Trial Abstract

Linda S. Franck, PhD,a,b Kate Oulton, MA,c Sue Nderitu, SRN,d Magdalene Lim, MBA,e Swee Fang, MBBS,f and Anthony Kaiser, MDg

PEDIATRICS Volume 128, Number 3, September 2011

Il dolore
Validation of a neonatal pain scale adapted to the new practices in caring for preterm newborns Abstract

Christophe Milesi,1 Gilles Cambonie,1 Aurelien Jacquot,1 Eric Barbotte,2 Renaud Mesnage, Florence Masson, Odile Pidoux, Felicie Ferragu, Pierre Thevenot, Jean-Bernard Mariette, Jean-Charles Picaud

fn.bmj.com on February 4, 2011

Il dolore
Is there a Primal Face of Pain? A methodology answer. Abstract

Schiavenato M, Byers J, Scovanner P, Windyga P, Shah M.

Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2007;2007:3559-62.

Il dolore
Neonatal pain facial expression: evaluating the primal face of pain. Abstract

Schiavenato M, Byers JF, Scovanner P, McMahon JM, Xia Y, Lu N, He H.

Pain. 2008 Aug 31;138(2):460-71. Epub 2008 Aug 9.

Il dolore
Comparison of three neonatal pain scales during minor painful procedures. Abstract

Uyan ZS, Bilgen H, Topuzo?lu A, Akman I, Ozek E.

J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2008 May;21(5):305-8.

Il dolore
Breastfeeding or oral sucrose solution in term neonates receiving heel lance: a randomized, controlled trial. Abstract

Codipietro L, Ceccarelli M, Ponzone A.

Pediatrics. 2008 Sep;122(3):e716-21.

Il dolore
Prevention and Management of Pain in the Neonate: An Update Full Text

AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS Committee on Fetus and Newborn and Section on Surgery CANADIAN PAEDIA

Pediatrics 2006;118;2231-2241

Il dolore
Why do we respond so differently? Reviewing determinants of human salivary cortisol responses to challenge. Abstract

Kudielka BM, Hellhammer DH, Wüst S.

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2009 Jan;34(1):2-18.

Il dolore
Reduced Infant Response to a Routine Care Procedure After Sucrose Analgesia Full Text

Anna Taddio, Vibhuti Shah and Joel Katz

Pediatrics 2009;123;e425-e429

Il dolore

Società Italiana per la Care in Perinatologia
Numero REA MI2039270
Codice fiscale 90043670216
Presidente: Arturo Giustardi
visitatore n°: 1637713

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lunedì 20 gennaio 2025

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