Lavori scientifici
Società Italiana per la Care in Perinatologia

09/01/2024 - 31/12/2024   .
lavori scientifici

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Responsabile scientifico: Dr. A. Giustardi

Allattamento al seno Neonatologia Ostetricia Pediatria Marsupio terapia Il dolore Cordone ombelicale Musicoterapia Il padre Famiglia Legislazione Accompagnamento alla nascita Massage infant Vita pre-natale
Advocating for Physician Paid Parental Leave Full text

Kelsey A. Miller, MD, EdM,a,b Lois K. Lee, MD, MPHa,

PEDIATRICS Volume 150, number 1, July 2022:e2022056338

Fathers, Breastfeeding, and Infant Sleep Practices: Findings From a State-Representative Survey Full text

John James Parker, MD,a,b,c Clarissa Simon, PhD, MPH,a Anne Bendelow, MPH,d Michael Bryan, PhD, MPH, e Ruben A. Smith, PhD, MS,f Katherine Kortsmit, PhD, MPH, RD,f Beatriz Salvesen von Essen, MPH,f Letitia Williams, MPH,f Ada Dieke, DrPH,f Lee Warner, PhD, MPH, f Craig F. Garfield, MD, MAPP

PEDIATRICS Volume 152, number 2, August 2023:e2022061008

The Physical Health of Caregivers of Children With Life-Limiting Conditions: A Systematic Review Full text

Julie Hartley, BA, MSc, PhD,a,b,c Myra Bluebond-Langner, PhD, Hon FRCPCH,a,d Bridget Candy, BS, BA, MSc, PhD,b Jonathan Downie, MBChB (Hons), MRCPCH, PG Cert Child Health, PG Dip Pall Med,e,f Ellen M Henderson, BA, HDip, MSc, MBPsS, PhDa

PEDIATRICS Volume 148, number 2, August 2021:e2020014423

Employing Family Caregivers: An Innovative Health Care Model Full text

Kristin Carter, MD, MSCS,a Christy Blakely, MEd,b Jeannie Zuk, PhD, RN,c Mark Brittan, MD, MPH,a,c Carolyn Foster, MD, MSHSd,e

PEDIATRICS Volume 149, number 6, June 2022:e2021054273

Maternal and Paternal Depression Symptoms During NICU Stay and Transition Home Full text

Craig F. Garfield, MD, MAPP,a,b Young S. Lee, PhD,b Liam Warner-Shifflett,b Rebecca Christie, MA,b Kathryn L. Jackson, MS,b Emily Miller, MDb

PEDIATRICS Volume 148, number 2, August 2021:e2020042747

State Spending on Public Benefit Programs and Child Maltreatment Full text

Henry T. Puls, MD,a,b Matthew Hall, PhD,a,c James D. Anderst, MD, MSCI,a,b Tami Gurley, PhD,d James Perrin, MD,e,f Paul J. Chung, MD, MSg,h

PEDIATRICS Volume 148, number 5, November 2021:e2021050685

Social Functioning in Adults Born Very Preterm: Individual Participant Meta-analysis Full text

Yanyan Ni, PhD,a,b Marina Mendonc¸a, PhD,a Nicole Baumann, PhD,a Robert Eves, PhD,a Eero Kajantie, DMedSc,c,d,e,f Petteri Hovi, MD PhD,c,f Marjaana Tikanm€aki, MD PhD,c,d Katri R€aikk€onen, PhD,g Kati Heinonen, PhD,g,h Marit S. Indredavik, MD PhD,e Kari-Anne I. Evensen, PhD,e,i,j Samantha Johnson, PhD,k Neil Marlow, DM FMedSci,b Dieter Wolke, PhD Dr rer nat h.c.a

PEDIATRICS Volume 148, number 5, November 2021:e2021051986

Nature and Children’s Health: A Systematic Review Full text

Amber L. Fyfe-Johnson, ND, PhD,a Marnie F. Hazlehurst, MS, PhD,b Sara P. Perrins, EdM, PhD,c Gregory N. Bratman, PhD,d Rick Thomas, MESM, MS,e Kimberly A. Garrett, MPH,f Kiana R. Hafferty, BS,f Tess M. Cullaz, BS, BS,a Edgar K. Marcuse, MD, MPH,c Pooja S. Tandon, MD, MPHc,f

PEDIATRICS Volume 148, number 4, October 2021:e2020049155

Family Caregiver Partnerships in Palliative Care Research Design and Implementation Full text

Meaghann S. Weaver, MD, MPH, FAAP,a,b Lori Wiener, PhD, DCSW,c Michelle M. Moon, DO,d,* Bruce Gordon, MD, FAAP,e Katherine Patterson Kelly, PhD, RN,f Pamela S. Hinds, PhD, RN, FAANf

PEDIATRICS Volume 148, number 1, July 2021:e2020049403

Child Maltreatment and Mortality in Young Adults Full text

Leonie Segal, PhD,a Jason M. Armfield, PhD,a Emmanuel S. Gnanamanickam, PhD,a David B. Preen, PhD,b Derek S. Brown, PhD,c James Doidge, PhD,d Ha Nguyen, PhDa

PEDIATRICS Volume 147, number 1, January 2021 3

Early Physical Abuse and Adult Outcomes Full text

Jennifer E. Lansford, PhD,a Jennifer Godwin, PhD,a Robert J. McMahon, PhD,b Max Crowley, PhD,c Gregory S. Pettit, PhD,d John E. Bates, PhD,e John D. Coie, PhD,a Kenneth A. Dodge, PhDa

PEDIATRICS Volume 147, number 1, January 2021:e20200873

Maternal Depression in Early Childhood and Developmental Vulnerability at School Entry Full text

Elizabeth Wall-Wieler, PhD,a Leslie L. Roos, PhD,c Ian H. Gotlib, PhDb

PEDIATRICS Volume 146, number 3, September 2020:e20200794

Factors Associated With Family Experience in Pediatric Inpatient Care Full text

Jeremy Y. Feng, MD,a,b,e Sara L. Toomey, MD, MPhil, MPH, MSc,a,c Marc N. Elliott, PhD,g Alan M. Zaslavsky, PhD,d Sarah E. Onorato, BA,a,f Mark A. Schuster, MD, PhDa,c,h

PEDIATRICS Volume 145, number 2, February 2020:e20191264

Maternal Drinking and Child Emotional and Behavior Problems Full text

Ingunn Olea Lund, PhD,b Espen Moen Eilertsen, PhD,b Line C. Gjerde, PhD,b,d,f Fartein Ask Torvik, PhD,a,d Espen Røysamb, PhD,b,f Ted Reichborn-Kjennerud, PhD,b,e Eivind Ystrom, PhDb,c,d,f

PEDIATRICS Volume 145, number 3, March 2020:e20192007

Empathy in Action Full text

Chris Feudtner, MD, PhD, MPH

PEDIATRICS Volume 145, number 2, February 2020:e20193116

Parenting Behavior and Child Language: A Meta-analysis Full text

Sheri Madigan, PhD,a,b,* Heather Prime, PhD,c,* Susan A. Graham, PhD,a,b Michelle Rodrigues, MSc,d Nina Anderson, BSc,a Jennifer Khoury, PhD,e Jennifer M. Jenkins, PhDd

PEDIATRICS Volume 144, number 4, October 2019:e20183556

Techniques to Communicate Better With Parents During End-of-Life Scenarios in Neonatology Full text

Marie-Hélène Lizotte, MD, MSc,a,g Keith J. Barrington, MB, ChB,a,c,j Serge Sultan, PhD,a,j,k Thomas Pennaforte, MD, PhD (cand),a,l Ahmed Moussa, MD, MMEd, FRCPC,a,b,c,e,i,j Christian Lachance, MD,a,c,j Maia Sureau,m Yilin Zao, MD,a Annie Janvier, MD, PhD, FRCPCa,c,d,e,f,h,j

PEDIATRICS Volume 145, number 2, February 2020:e20191925

Ongoing Pediatric Health Care for the Child Who Has Been Maltreated Full text

Emalee Flaherty, MD, FAAP,a Lori Legano, MD, FAAP,b Sheila Idzerda, MD, FAAP,c COUNCIL ON CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT

PEDIATRICS Volume 143, number 4, April 2019:e20190284

Insurance Mandates and Out-of- Pocket Spending for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder Full text

Molly K. Candon, PhD, a, b Colleen L. Barry, PhD, MPP, b, c Steven C. Marcus, PhD, a, b, d Andrew J. Epstein, PhD, b Alene Kennedy-Hendricks, PhD, c Ming Xie, MS, a David S. Mandell, ScDa, b

PEDIATRICS Volume 143, number 1, January 2019:e20180654

Nurse Home Visiting for Families Experiencing Adversity: A Randomized Trial Full text

Sharon Goldfeld, PhD, a, b, c Anna Price, PhD, a, b, c Charlene Smith, PhD, d Tracey Bruce, MHSM, e Hannah Bryson, BA(Hons), a, b Fiona Mensah, PhD, c, f Francesca Orsini, MSc, f, g Lisa Gold, PhD, h Harriet Hiscock, PhD, a, b, c Lara Bishop, PhD, a Ashlee Smith, MPsych, a, b Susan Perlen, PhD, a, b Lynn Kemp, PhDe

PEDIATRICS Volume 143, number 1, January 2019:e20181206

Parents’ Adverse Childhood Experiences and Their Children’s Behavioral Health Problems Full text

Adam Schickedanz, MD, PhD, a Neal Halfon, MD, MPH, a, b Narayan Sastry, PhD, c Paul J. Chung, MD, MSa, b

PEDIATRICS Volume 142, number 2, August 2018:e20180023

Intimate Partner Violence, Depression, and Child Growth and Development Full text

Hind H. Neamah, MD, MPH, a Christopher Sudfeld, ScD, b Dana Charles McCoy, PhD, c Günther Fink, PhD, b Wafaie W. Fawzi, MD, DrPH, b, d, e Honorati Masanja, PhD, f Goodarz Danaei, MD, ScD, b, d Alfa Muhihi, MD, MPH, f Sylvia Kaaya, MD, PhD, g Mary C. Smith Fawzi, ScDa

PEDIATRICS Volume 142, number 1, July 2018:e20173457

The Importance of Attending Patient Funerals Full text

Stephen Berman, MD, FAAP

PEDIATRICS Volume 142, number 1, July 2018:e20173977

Postpartum depression screening by telephone: a good alternative for public health and research Full text

Felipe Pinheiro de Figueiredo & Ana Paula Parada & Viviane Cunha Cardoso & Rosângela Fernandes Lucena Batista & Antônio Augusto Moura da Silva & Marco Antônio Barbieri & Ricardo de Carvalho Cavalli & Heloisa Bettiol & Cristina Marta Del-Ben

Arch Womens Ment Health DOI 10.1007/s00737-014-0480-1

Stronger and More Vulnerable: A Balanced View of the Impacts of the NICU Experience on Parents Full text

Annie Janvier, MD, PhD, a John Lantos, MD, b Judy Aschner, MD, c Keith Barrington, MB, ChB, a Beau Batton, MD, d Daniel Batton, MD, d Siri Fuglem Berg, MD, PhD, e Brian Carter, MD, b Deborah Campbell, MD, FAAP, c Felicia Cohn, PhD, f Anne Drapkin Lyerly, MD, MA, g Dan Ellsbury, MD, h Avroy Fanaroff, MD, i Jonathan Fanaroff, MD, JD, i Kristy Fanaroff, MSN, NNP, i Sophie Gravel, BNurs, a Marlyse Haward, MD, j Stefan Kutzsche, MD, PhD, k Neil Marlow, DM, FMedSci, l Martha Montello, PhD, m Nathalie

PEDIATRICS Volume 138 , number 3 , September

Clinical Considerations Related to the Behavioral Manifestations of Child Maltreatment Full text

Robert D. Sege, Lisa Amaya-Jackson

PEDIATRICS Volume 139 , number 4 , April 2017 :e 20170100

Surrogate Pregnancy After Prenatal Diagnosis of Spina Bifida Full text

Lynnette J. Mazur, MD, MPH, a Mary Kay Kisthardt, JD, LLM, b Helen H. Kim, MD, c Laura M. Rosas, BBA, a John D. Lantos, MDd

PEDIATRICS Volume 1 39, number 2 , F ebruary 2017: e2 0162619


Antonella Liverani1, Teresa Ilaria Ercolanese2, Enrico Valletta2

Medico e Bambino 4/2017

Child Maltreatment and Adult Living Standards at 50 Years Full text

Snehal M. Pinto Pereira, PhD, Leah Li, PhD, Chris Power, PhD

PEDIATRICS Volume 1 39, number 1 , J anuary 2017: e2 0161595

Missing paternal data and adverse birth outcomes in Canada Abstract

Shapiro GD1, Bushnik T2, Sheppard AJ3, Kramer MS4, Kaufman JS1, Yang S1

Health Rep. 2016 Dec 21;27(12):3-9.

Physical Abuse of Children Full text

Jill C. Glick, MD,* Michele A. Lorand, MD,† Kristen R. Bilka, MMS, PA-C‡

Pediatrics in Review 2016;37;146

Home-Based Early Intervention and the Influence of Family Resources on Cognitive Development Abstract

Carla M. Bann, Jan L. Wallander, Barbara Do, Vanessa Thorsten, Omrana Pasha, Fred J. Biasini, Roopa Bellad, Shivaprasad Goudar, Elwyn Chomba, Elizabeth McClure, Waldemar A. Carlo

Pediatrics April 2016, VOLUME 137

Suicide Attempts and Childhood Maltreatment Among Street Youth: A Prospective Cohort Study Full text

Scott E. Hadland, MD, MPHa,b, Evan Wood, MD, PhDc,d, Huiru Dong, MScc, Brandon D.L. Marshall, PhDe, Thomas Kerr, PhDc,d, Julio S. Montaner, MDc,d, Kora DeBeck, PhDc,f

PEDIATRICS Volume 136, number 3, September 2015

Antidepressants and Suicide Attempts in Children Full Text

William O. Cooper, S. Todd Callahan, Ayumi Shintani, D. Catherine Fuchs, Richard C. Shelton, Judith A. Dudley, Amy J. Graves and Wayne A. Ray

PEDIATRICS Volume 133, Number 2, February 2014

Media Use and Child Sleep: The Impact of Content, Timing, and Environment Abstract

Michelle M. Garrison, PhD,a Kimberly Liekweg, BA,a and Dimitri A. Christakis, MD, MPHa,b

PEDIATRICS Volume 128, Number 1, July 2011

Suicidal Behavior Differs Among Early and Late Adolescents Treated With Antidepressant Agents Abstract

Erik B. Hysinger, MD,a S. Todd Callahan, MD, MPH,b T. Lynne Caples, MS,a D. Catherine Fuchs, MD,c Richard Shelton, MD,c and William O. Cooper, MD, MPHa,d

PEDIATRICS Volume 128, Number 3, September 2011 447


A cura dell'Associazione Nazionale di Psicologia e di Educazione Prenatale


A. Giustardi - Neonatologo - P. Grenci - Psicologa

Self-Esteem of Adolescents Who Were Born Prematurely Full Text

Saroj Saigal, MD, FRCP(C)*; Michael Lambert, PhD#; Chad Russ, BS#; and Lorraine Hoult, BA*

PEDIATRICS Vol 109, n° 3 marzo 2002

Il ruolo dell'assistente sanitaria scolastica nel fornire servizi sanitari scolastici Full Text

Howard L. Taras, MD, Chairperson,Barbara L. Frankowski, MD, MPH, Jane W. McGrath, MD, Cynthia Mears,

PEDIATRICS 2001, Vol 13 n° 6

Parental Psychiatric Disorders Associated With Autism Spectrum Disorders in the Offspring Full Text

Maria Feychting, Par Sparen,

Pediatrics 2008;121;e1357-e1362

Construction of a Parent-Derived Questionnaire to Full Text

Constance Williams, MDa, Janice Cairnie, RNa, Valerie Fines, RSWa, Colleen Patey, RSWa, Karla Schwar

Padre in sala operatoria e contatto precoce “pelle a pelle” durante il taglio cesareo: si può fare! Full Text

Franco Colonna*, Isabelle Robieux*, Elisabetta Santin*, Manfred Camper*, Gabriella Nadalin**

Quaderni acp 2009; 16(1): 10-14


Società Italiana per la Care in Perinatologia
Numero REA MI2039270
Codice fiscale 90043670216
Presidente: Arturo Giustardi
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