Lavori scientifici
Società Italiana per la Care in Perinatologia

09/01/2024 - 31/12/2024   .
lavori scientifici

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Responsabile scientifico: Dr. A. Giustardi

Allattamento al seno Neonatologia Ostetricia Pediatria Marsupio terapia Il dolore Cordone ombelicale Musicoterapia Il padre Famiglia Legislazione Accompagnamento alla nascita Massage infant Vita pre-natale
Child Behavior Problems and Maltreatment Exposure Full text

Anneke E. Olson, MS,a John M. Felt, PhD,b Emily D. Dunning, MS,a Zhenyu Z. Zhang, MA, MS, c Metzli A. Lombera, MS, c Camille Moeckel, BA,d Manal U. Mustafa, BS,d Brian Allen, PsyD,e,f Lori Frasier, MD,e Chad E. Shenk, PhD, ABPPa

PEDIATRICS Volume 153, number 6, June 2024:e2023064625

Performance of Febrile Infant Algorithms by Duration of Fever Full text

Roberto Velasco, MD, PhD, a,b Borja Gomez, MD, PhD,c Ismael Labiano, MD,c Ana Mier, MD,c Alberto Ugedo, MD,c Javier Benito, MD, PhD,c Santiago Mintegi, MD, PhD

PEDIATRICS Volume 153, number 5, May 2024:e2023064342

Viral Testing for Febrile Infants Without Procalcitonin Measurement Full text

Caroline Wolek, BSc,a Cassandra Poirier, MD, MSc,b Alexandra Yannopoulos, BEng,c Nathan Kuppermann, MD, MPH,d Brett Burstein, MDCM, PhD, MPH

PEDIATRICS Volume 153, number 6, June 2024:e2024065689

The Tension Between AAP Safe Sleep Guidelines and Infant Sleep Full text

Rachel Y. Moon, MD,a Jodi A. Mindell, PhD,b,c Sarah Honaker, PhD,d Sarah Keim, MA, MS, PhD, e Kristin J. Roberts, MS, MPH,e Rebecca J. McAdams, MA, MPH,e Lara B. McKenzie, MA, PhD, FAAHBe

PEDIATRICS Volume 153, number 4, April 2024:e2023064675

Child Behavior Problems and Maltreatment Exposure Full text

Anneke E. Olson, MS,a John M. Felt, PhD,b Emily D. Dunning, MS,a Zhenyu Z. Zhang, MA, MS, c Metzli A. Lombera, MS, c Camille Moeckel, BA,d Manal U. Mustafa, BS,d Brian Allen, PsyD,e,f Lori Frasier, MD,e Chad E. Shenk, PhD, ABPP

PEDIATRICS Volume 153, number 6, June 2024:e2023064625

How Is Parental Mental Health a Risk for Child Maltreatment? Full text

Gabriel Otterman, MD, MPH, PhD,a Suzanne Haney, MD, MS

PEDIATRICS Volume 153, number 3, March 2024:e2023063611

Characteristics of Sudden Unexpected Infant Deaths on Shared and Nonshared Sleep Surfaces Full text

Alexa B. Erck Lambert, MPH,a,b Carrie K. Shapiro-Mendoza, PhD, MPH,a Sharyn E. Parks, PhD, MPH, a Carri Cottengim, MA,a Meghan Faulkner, MA,c Fern R. Hauck, MD, MS, FAAFPd

PEDIATRICS Volume 153, number 3, March 2024:e2023061984

Bacteremia in Children With Fever and Acute Lower Extremity Pain Full text

Rachelle El Helou, MD,a,b Assaf Landschaft, MSc,a Marvin B. Harper, MD,a Amir A. Kimia, MD

PEDIATRICS Volume 151, number 5, May 2023:e2022059504

The Reach Up Parenting Program, Child Development, and Maternal Depression: A Meta-analysis Full text

Pamela Jervis, PhD,a,b Jacqueline Coore-Hall, PhD,c Helen O. Pitchik, PhD,d Charles D. Arnold, PhD,e Sally Grantham-McGregor, FRCP, MD,f Marta Rubio-Codina, PhD,g Helen Baker-Henningham, PhD,c,h Lia C.H. Fernald, PhD,d Jena Hamadani, PhD,i Joanne A. Smith, PhD,c Julieta Trias, PhD,j Susan P. Walker, PhDc

PEDIATRICS Volume 151, number S2, May 2023:e2023060221D

A Health System-Initiated Intervention to Remediate Homes of Children With Asthma Full text

Douglas Strane, MPH,a Carina Flaherty, BA,a Katherine Kellom, BA,a Chen C. Kenyon, MD, MSHP,a,b Tyra Bryant-Stephens, MDa,

PEDIATRICS Volume 151, number 5, May 2023:e2022058351

Association of Maternal BMI and Rapid Infant Weight Gain With Childhood Body Size and Composition Full text

Stephanie P. Gilley, MD, PhD,a Kylie K. Harrall, MS,b Chloe Friedman, MPH,b Deborah H. Glueck, PhD,a,b Catherine C. Cohen, PhD, RD,a,b Wei Perng, PhD,b,c Katherine A. Sauder, PhD, a,b Nancy F. Krebs, MD, MS,a Kartik Shankar, PhD,a,b Dana Dabelea, MD, PhDa,b,c

PEDIATRICS Volume 151, number 5, May 2023:e2022059244

Guideline-Based Risk Stratification for Febrile Young Infants Without Procalcitonin Measurement Full text

Brett Burstein, MD CM, PhD, MPH,a,c Nawal Alathari, MD, a Jesse Papenburg, MD CM, MSc

PEDIATRICS Volume 149, number 6, June 2022:e2021056028

Neurodevelopmental Therapy for Cerebral Palsy: A Meta-analysis Full text

Anna te Velde, BAppSc (Phty) Hons,a,b Catherine Morgan, BAppSc (Phty), PhD,a Megan Finch-Edmondson, BSc (Hons), PhD,a Lynda McNamara, BPhty Hons,b Maria McNamara, BAppPsych, MPsych, PhD,a Madison Claire Badawy Paton, BSc (Hons), PhD,a Emma Stanton, BHlthSc/MOT,a Annabel Webb, MRes (Stat),a Nadia Badawi, MBBCh, DCH, MSc, PhD, FRCPI, FRACP,a,c Iona Novak, BAppSc, MSc Hons, PhD a

PEDIATRICS Volume 149, number 6, Month 2022:e2021055061

The Current and Future State of Pediatric Sepsis Definitions: An International Survey Full text

Luc Morin, MD, MSc,a Mark Hall, MD,b Daniela de Souza, MD, PhD,c,d Lu Guoping, MD,e Roberto Jabornisky, MD, f,g Nobuaki Shime, MD, h Suchitra Ranjit, MD, FCCM,i Patricia Gilholm, PhD,j Satoshi Nakagawa, MD,k Jerry J. Zimmerman, MD, PhD,l Lauren R. Sorce, PhD, RN,m,n Andrew Argent, MBBCh, MD,o,p Niranjan Kissoon, MD,q,r Pierre Tissieres, MD, DSc,s,t R. Scott Watson, MD, MPH,l,* Luregn J Schlapbach, MD, PhD, FCICM,j,u,* on behalf of the Pediatric Sepsis Definition Taskforce

PEDIATRICS Volume 149, number 6, June 2022:e2021052565

Implications of an Elevated Nucleated Red Blood Cell Count in Neonates with Moderate to Severe Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy Full text

Timothy M. Bahr, MS, MD1,2 , Robin K. Ohls, MD 2 , Mariana C. Baserga, MD 2 , Shelley M. Lawrence, MD, MS 2 , Sarah L. Winter, MD3,4 , and Robert D. Christensen, MD1


Translating the Biology of Adversity and Resilience Into New Measures for Pediatric Practice Full text

Jack P. Shonkoff, MD, a,b,c,d,e W. Thomas Boyce, MD,f Nicole R. Bush, PhD,g,h Megan R. Gunnar, PhD,i Takao K. Hensch, PhD, a,c,j,k Pat Levitt, PhD,l,m Michael J. Meaney, PhD, n,o,p Charles A. Nelson, PhD,a,b,c Natalie Slopen, ScD, a,d David R. Williams, PhD,a,d Patricia Pelufo Silveira, MD, PhDn,o,

PEDIATRICS Volume 149, number 6, June 2022:e2021054493

International Perspective on a Revised Pediatric Sepsis Definition Full text

Robert P. Richter, MD

PEDIATRICS Volume 149, number 6, June 2022:e2022056410

White Coat Hypertension Persistence in Children and Adolescents: The Pediatric Nephrology Research Consortium Study Full text

Yosuke Miyashita, MD, MPH1 , Coral Hanevold, MD 2 , Anna Faino, MSc3 , Julia Scher, BS, BA4 , Marc Lande, MD, MPH4 , Ikuyo Yamaguchi, MD, PhD 5 , Joel Hernandez, MD6 , Alisa Acosta, MD, MPH7 , Donald J. Weaver, Jr., MD8 , Jason Thomas, MD9 , Mahmoud Kallash, MD10 , Michael Ferguson, MD11 , Ketan N. Patel, MD, MPH12 , Andrew M. South, MD, MS 13 , Megan Kelton, MA2 , and Joseph T. Flynn, MD, MS


Characteristics and Outcomes of Culture-Positive and Culture-Negative Pediatric Sepsis Full text

Alexandra H. Baker, MD1,2 , Shannon B. Leland, MD, MPH2,3 , Eli Freiman, MD4 , Joshua C. Herigon, MD, MPH, MBI 5,6 , and Matthew A. Eisenberg, MD, MPH

THE JOURNAL OF P EDIATRICS Volume 263 December 2023

The Importance of a Life Course Perspective on Media Use Full text

Pooja S. Tandon, MD, MPH

PEDIATRICS Volume 152, number 2, August 2023:e2023062183

Hearing Assessment in Infants, Children, and Adolescents: Recommendations Beyond Neonatal Screening Full text

Charles Bower, MD, FAAP, a Brian Kip Reilly, MD, FAAP, b Julia Richerson, MD, FAAP,c Julia L. Hecht, MD, FAAP,

PEDIATRICS Volume 152, number 3, September 2023:e2023063288

Pediatric Distraction Tools for Prehospital Care of Pain and Distress: A Systematic Review Full text

Natasha Robinson, BHSc,a Ashleigh Delorenzo, BSc(Hon),a,b Stuart Howell, PhD,a Karen Smith, PhD, a,b Peter Cameron, MD, a,c Amanda Stock, MBBS, d Kathryn Eastwood, PhD

PEDIATRICS Volume 152, number 1, July 2023:e2022059910

Updates in Food Allergy Prevention in Children Full text

Elissa M. Abrams, MD, MPH,a,b Marcus Shaker, MD, MSc,c David Stukus, MD, d Douglas P. Mack, MD, MSc,e Matthew Greenhawt, MD, MBA, MScf

PEDIATRICS Volume 152, number 5, November 2023:e2023062836

School Start Times, Sleep, and Youth Outcomes: A Meta-analysis Full text

Tiffany Yip, PhD,a Yijie Wang, PhD,b Mingjun Xie, PhD,c Pak See Ip, MA,a Jillianne Fowle, MA,a Joseph Buckhalt, PhDd

PEDIATRICS Volume 149, number 6, Month 2022:e2021054068

Direct Bilirubin and Risk of Biliary Atresia Full text

Fang-Min Liao, MD,a,b Kai-Chi Chang, MD,a Jia-Feng Wu, MD, PhD,a Huey-Ling Chen, MD, PhD,a,c,d Yen-Hsuan Ni, MD, PhD,a,d Mei-Hwei Chang, MDa

PEDIATRICS Volume 149, number 6, June 2022:e2021053073 ARTICLE

Vegetarian Diet, Growth, and Nutrition in Early Childhood: A Longitudinal Cohort Study Full text

Laura J. Elliott, RD, MSc,a,b Charles D.G. Keown-Stoneman, PhD,c,d Catherine S. Birken, MD, MSc, FRCPC,e,f,g,h,i David J.A. Jenkins, MD, PhD, DSc, FRSC, FRCP, FRCPC,a,j,k,l,m Cornelia M. Borkhoff, MSc, PhD,e,f,h,n Jonathon L. Maguire, MD, MSc, FRCPC

PEDIATRICS Volume 149, number 6, June 2022:e2021052598

Traumatic Head Injury and the Diagnosis of Abuse: A Cluster Analysis Full text

Stephen C. Boos, MD,a Ming Wang, PhD,b Wouter A. Karst, MD,c Kent P. Hymel, MD,d

PEDIATRICS Volume 149, number 1, January 2022:e2021051742



Medico e Bambino 7/2021

Association of Clinical Guidelines and Decision Support with Computed Tomography Use in Pediatric Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Full text

Jennifer R. Marin, MD, MSc1, Jonathan Rodean, MPP2, Rebekah C. Mannix, MD, MPH3, Matt Hall, PhD2, Elizabeth R. Alpern, MD, MSCE4, Paul L. Aronson, MD, MHS5, Pradip P. Chaudhari, MD6, Eyal Cohen, MD, MSc7,8, Stephen B. Freedman, MDCM, MSc9,10, Rustin B. Morse, MD, MMM11, Alon Peltz, MD, MBA12, Margaret Samuels-Kalow, MD, MPhil, MSHP13, Samir S. Shah, MD, MSCE14, Harold K. Simon, MD, MBA15,16, and Mark I. Neuman, MD, MPH3


Shared Reading and Risk of Social- Emotional Problems Full text

Keith J. Martin, DO, MS,a,b Andrew F. Beck, MD, MPH,b,c Yingying Xu, PhD,b Gregory A. Szumlas, MD,b,c John S. Hutton, MD, MS,b,c Clare C. Crosh, DO,b Kristen A. Copeland, MDb,c

PEDIATRICS Volume 149, number 1, January 2022:e2020034876

Screening for Biliary Atresia: Large-Scale Implementation Moving Forward Full text

Huey-Ling Chen, MD, PhD Mei-Hwei Chang, MD


Promotion of Parental Responsivity: Implications for Population-Level Implementation and Impact Full text

Erin Roby, PhD, Caitlin F. Canfield, PhD, Alan L. Mendelsohn, MD

PEDIATRICS Volume 148, number 2, August 2021:e2021050610

Prevalence and Disparities in the Detection of Autism Without Intellectual Disability Full text

Josephine Shenouda, DrPH, MS,a,b Emily Barrett, PhD,a Amy L. Davidow, PhD,c Kate Sidwell, BA,b Cara Lescott, BA,b William Halperin, MD, DrPH, MPH,a Vincent M. B. Silenzio, MD, MPH,a Walter Zahorodny, PhDb

PEDIATRICS Volume 151, number 2, February 2023:e2022056594

Overuse of Reflux Medications in Infants Full text

Elizabeth R. Wolf, MD, MPH,a,b Roy T. Sabo, PhD,c Martin Lavallee, PhDc,c Evan French, MS,d Alan R. Schroeder, MD,e Alison N. Huffstetler, MD,f Matthew Schefft, DO, MSHA,a,b Alex H. Krist, MD, MPHf

PEDIATRICS Volume 151, number 3, March 2023:e2022058330

Appraisal of Clinical Care Practices for Child Obesity Treatment. Part II: Comorbidities Full text

Asheley C. Skinner, PhD,a Amanda E. Staiano, PhD, MPP,b Sarah C. Armstrong, MD, FAAP,c Shari L. Barkin, MD, MSHS,d Sandra G. Hassink, MD, FAAP,e Jennifer E. Moore, PhD, RN, FAAN,f Jennifer S. Savage, PhD,g Helene Vilme, DrPH,h Ashley E. Weedn, MD, MPH, FAAP,i Janice Liebhart, MS,j Jeanne Lindros, MPH,k Eileen M. Reilly, MSWl

PEDIATRICS Volume 151, number 2, February 2023:e2022060643

Appraisal of Clinical Care Practices for Child Obesity Treatment. Part I: Interventions Full text

Asheley C. Skinner, PhD,a Amanda E. Staiano, PhD, MPP,b Sarah C. Armstrong, MD, FAAP,c Shari L. Barkin, MD, MSHS,d Sandra G. Hassink, MD, FAAP,e Jennifer E. Moore, PhD, RN, FAAN,f Jennifer S. Savage, PhD,g Helene Vilme, DrPH,h Ashley E. Weedn, MD, MPH, FAAP,i Janice Liebhart, MS,j Jeanne Lindros, MPH,k Eileen M. Reilly, MSWl

PEDIATRICS Volume 151, number 2, February 2023:e2022060642

Prioritizing Social Determinants of Health in Public Health Surveillance for Autism Full text

Emily Hotez, PhD,a Lindsay Shea, DrPHb

PEDIATRICS Volume 151, number 2, February 2023:e2022059541

Complementary and Allergenic Food Introduction in Infants: An Umbrella Review Full text

Victoria X. Soriano, PhD,a,b Daniela Ciciulla, MDiet,a,b,c Grace Gell, BSc,a Yichao Wang, PhD,a,c,d Rachel L. Peters, PhD,a,b Vicki McWilliam, PhD,a,c,e Shyamali C. Dharmage, PhD,b,f Jennifer J. Koplin, PhDa,b,c

PEDIATRICS Volume 151, number 2, February 2023:e2022058380

Environmental Exposures and Congenital Heart Disease Full text

Rebekah Boyd,* Hannah McMullen,* Halil Beqaj, David Kalfa, MD, PhD

PEDIATRICS Volume 149, number 1, January 2022:e2021052151

Chronic Iron Deficiency and Cognitive Function in Early Childhood Full text

Argie Gingoyon, MPH,a Cornelia M. Borkhoff, PhD,a,b,c,d Christine Koroshegyi, MA,e Eva Mamak, PhD,e Catherine S. Birken, MD, MSc,a,b,c,d,f Jonathon L. Maguire, MD, MSc,a,b,c,f,g Darcy Fehlings, MD, MSc,a,c,f,h Colin Macarthur, MBChB, PhD,b,c,d,f Patricia C. Parkin, MDa,b,c,d,f

PEDIATRICS Volume 150, number 6, December 2022:e2021055926

Using AAP Guidelines for Managing Febrile Infants Without C-Reactive Protein and Procalcitonin Full text

Tran H.P. Nguyen, MD,a,c Beverly R. Young, MD,a,c Amy Alabaster, MS, MPH,b David R. Vinson, MD,b,c Dustin G. Mark, MD,b,c Patrick Van Winkle, MD,d Adam L. Sharp, MD, MSc,e,f Judy Shan, BS,g,h Adina S. Rauchwerger, MPH,b Tara L. Greenhow, MD,c,h Dustin W. Ballard, MD, MBEb,c

PEDIATRICS Volume 151, number 1, January 2023:e2022058495

Maintaining and Improving the Oral Health of Young Children Full text

David M. Krol, MD, MPH, FAAP,a,b Kaitlin Whelan, MD, FAAP,c,d

PEDIATRICS Volume 151, number 1, January 2023:e2022060417

Early Childhood Chronic Iron Deficiency and Later Cognitive Function: The Conundrum Continues Full text

Frank R. Greer, MD,a Robert D. Baker, MD, PhDb

PEDIATRICS Volume 150, number 6, December 2022:e2022058591

Elevated C-Reactive Protein With Normal Leukocytes Count Among Children With Fever Full text

Tarek Zuabi, MD,a,b Oded Scheuerman, MD,a,b Yotam Dizitzer, MD,b,c Gil Amarilyo,b,d Mor Abu, MD,a,b Lotem Goldberg, MD,a,b Bar Goldberg, MD,a,b Nina Shirman, MD,a,b Yoav Vardi, MD,a,b Yoel Levinsky, MDa,b,d

PEDIATRICS Volume 150, number 6, December 2022:e2022057843

Amoxicillin Versus Other Antibiotic Agents for the Treatment of Acute Otitis Media in Children Full text

Holly M. Frost, MD1,2,3, Destani Bizune, MPH4, Jeffrey S. Gerber, MD, PhD5, Adam L. Hersh, MD, PhD6, Lauri A. Hicks, DO4, and Sharon V. Tsay, MD

The Journal of Pediatrics Volume 251, P98-104.e5, December 01, 2022

How the Global Violence Against Children and Youth Surveys Help Improve Pediatric Global Health Full text

Nickolas T. Agathis, MD, MPH,a,b Francis B. Annor, PhD,b James Mercy, PhD,b Laura Chiang, MA,b Regina Benevides de Barros, PhD,c Greta M. Massetti, PhDb

PEDIATRICS Volume 150, number 5, November 2022:e2022057124

Cognitive and Mental Health of Young Mothers’ Offspring: A Meta-analysis Full text

Liam Cresswell, BHSc,a Mateusz Faltyn, BAS,b Claire Lawrence, BHSc,c Zoe Tsai,d Sawayra Owais, MSc,e Calan Savoy, MSc,f Ellen Lipman, MD, MSc, FRCPC,f Ryan J Van Lieshout, MD, PhD, FRCPCf

PEDIATRICS Volume 150, number 5, November 2022:e2022057561

Verbal Communication with the Patient Is Not Enough: The Six Languages of the Sick Full text

Carlo Valerio Bellieni

MDPI Nurs. Rep. 2022, 12, 726–732.

Maternal Depressive Symptoms and Adolescents’ Unhealthy Behavior: A 15-year Longitudinal Study Full text

Laura Bechtiger, MSc,a Annekatrin Steinhoff, PhD,a Jessica M. Dollar, PhD,b,c Susan D. Calkins, PhD,d Susan P. Keane, PhD,b Lenka Shriver, PhD,e Laurie Wideman, PhD,c Lilly Shanahan, PhDa

PEDIATRICS Volume 150, number 4, October 2022:e2022056562

Evaluation for Bleeding Disorders in Suspected Child Abuse Full text

James Anderst, MD, MSCI, FAAP,a Shannon L. Carpenter, MD, MS, FAAP,b Thomas C. Abshire, MD,c Emily Killough

PEDIATRICS Volume 150, number 4, October 2022:e2022059276 FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS

Improving Delayed Antibiotic Prescribing for Acute Otitis Media Full text

Holly M. Frost, MD, FAAP,a,b,c Jennifer D. Monti, PhD,d Leisha M. Andersen, MD, MPH, FAAP,e Chuck Norlin, MD,f Destani J. Bizune, MPH,g Katherine E. Fleming-Dutra, MD,g Christopher A. Czaja, MD, MPHh

PEDIATRICS Volume 147, number 6, June 2021:e2020026062

Evaluation and Management of Well-Appearing Febrile Infants 8 to 60 Days Old Full text

Robert H. Pantell, MD, FAAP,a Kenneth B. Roberts, MD, FAAP,b William G. Adams, MD, FAAP,c Benard P. Dreyer, MD, FAAP,d Nathan Kuppermann, MD, MPH, FAAP, FACEP,e Sean T. O’Leary, MD, MPH, FAAP,f Kymika Okechukwu, MPA,g Charles R. Woods Jr, MD, MS, FAAPh

PEDIATRICS Volume 148, number 2, August 2021:e2021052228

Infant Deaths From Medical Causes After a Maltreatment Report Full text

Janet U. Schneiderman, PhD, MN, RN,a John Prindle, PhD,b Emily Putnam-Hornstein, PhDb

PEDIATRICS Volume 148, number 3, September 2021:e2020048389

Feeding Problems as an Indicator of Developmental Delay in Early Childhood Full text

Diane L. Putnick, PhD1, Erin M. Bell, PhD2, Akhgar Ghassabian, MD, PhD3,4,5, Sonia L. Robinson, PhD1, Rajeshwari Sundaram, PhD6, and Edwina Yeung, PhD1


Increasing Guideline-Concordant Durations of Antibiotic Therapy for Acute Otitis Media Full text

Holly M. Frost, MD, FAAP1,2,3, Yingbo Lou, MS4, Amy Keith, MPH2, Andrew Byars, BS5, and Timothy C. Jenkins, MD6,7

THE JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS Volume 240 January 2022


C. Brienza, A. Imperatore, F. Nunziata

Medico e Bambino 9/2021

Considering Toxic Chemicals in the Etiology of Autism Full text

Heather E. Volk, PhD,a Jennifer L. Ames, PhD,b Aimin Chen, PhD,c M. Daniele Fallin, PhD,a Irva Hertz-Picciotto, PhD,d Alycia Halladay, PhD,e,f Deborah Hirtz, MD,g Arthur Lavin, MD,h Beate Ritz, MD, PhD,i Tom Zoeller, PhD,j Maureen Swanson, MPAk

PEDIATRICS Volume 149, number 1, January 2022:e2021053012

Update and Progress in Pediatric Sleep Disorders Full text

Lourdes M. DelRosso, MD1, Maria P. Mogavero, MD2, Raffaele Ferri, MD3, Oliviero Bruni, MD4, and Maida L. Chen, MD1


Considering Toxic Chemicals in the Etiology of Autism Full text

Heather E. Volk, PhD,a Jennifer L. Ames, PhD,b Aimin Chen, PhD,c M. Daniele Fallin, PhD,a Irva Hertz-Picciotto, PhD,d Alycia Halladay, PhD,e,f Deborah Hirtz, MD,g Arthur Lavin, MD,h Beate Ritz, MD, PhD,i Tom Zoeller, PhD,j Maureen Swanson, MPAk

PEDIATRICS Volume 149, number 1, January 2022:e2021053012

Development and Assessment of a Low Literacy, Pictographic Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome Action Plan Full text

Patrick T. Reeves, MD1,2, Katja Kovacic, MD3, Philip L. Rogers, MD1,2, Rinarani Sanghavi, MD, MBA4, David J. Levinthal, MD, PhD5, Sofia Echelmeyer, BFA2, and B. U. K. Li, MD3

J Pediatr 2022;242:174-83

Pediatric Septic Shock Collaborative Improves Emergency Department Sepsis Care in Children Full text

Holly Depinet, MD, MPH,a Charles G. Macias, MD, MPH,b Fran Balamuth, MD, PHD, MSCE,c Roni D. Lane, MD,d Joseph Luria, MD,a Elliot Melendez, MD,e Sage R. Myers, MD, MSCE,c Binita Patel, MD,f Troy Richardson, MPH, PHD,g Isabella Zaniletti, PHD,g Raina Paul, MDh

PEDIATRICS Volume 149, number 3, March 2022:e2020007369

Pediatrician Adherence to Guidelines for Diagnosis and Management of High Blood Pressure Full text

Corinna J. Rea, MD, MPH1,2, Tammy M. Brady, MD, PhD3, David G. Bundy, MD, MPH4, Moonseong Heo, PhD5, Elissa Faro, PhD6, Kimberly Giuliano, MD7, Beatrice Goilav, MD8,9, Peterkaye Kelly, MPH8,10, Kelly Orringer, MD11, Beth A. Tarini, MD12,13, Katherine Twombley, MD14, and Michael L. Rinke, MD, PhD8,10

J Pediatr 2022;242:12-7

Timing of Introduction to Solid Food, Growth, and Nutrition Risk in Later Childhood Full text

Curtis J. D’Hollander, MSc, RD1,2,3, Charles D. G. Keown-Stoneman, PhD3,4, Catherine S. Birken, MD, FRCPC5,6,7,8,9, Deborah L. O’Connor, PhD, RD1,10, and Jonathon L. Maguire, MD, FRCPC, MSc2,7,8,9,11

J Pediatr 2022;240:102-9

Early Determination of Prognosis in Neonatal Moderate or Severe Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy Full text

Namasivayam Ambalavanan, MD,a Seetha Shankaran, MD,b Abbot R. Laptook, MD,c Benjamin A. Carper, MS,d Abhik Das, PhD,e Waldemar A. Carlo, MD,a C. Michael Cotten, MD, MHS,f Andrea F. Duncan, MD, MS,g Rosemary D. Higgins, MD,h,i

PEDIATRICS Volume 147, number 6, June 2021:e2020048678

Clinical Interpretation of Self-Reported Pain Scores in Children with Acute Pain Full text

Daniel S. Tsze, MD, MPH1, Gerrit Hirschfeld, PhD2, and Peter S. Dayan, MD, MSc

J Pediatr 2022;240:192-8

Pediatric Discharge From the Emergency Department Against Medical Advice Full text

Meaghann S. Weaver, MD, MPH, PhD, FAAP,a,b Haavi Morreim, JD, PhD,c,d Lydia H. Pecker, MD,e Rachel O. Alade, MS, MPH,f David J. Alfandre, MD, MSPHb,g

PEDIATRICS Volume 149, number 1, January 2022:e2021050996


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